"I immediately felt able to share where I was, whilst having full trust and respect for the support you provided. I’ve always had 100% of your attention during our sessions, you remember where we left off and have ‘teased’ things out that I doubt I would have got to on my own"
"You have been really adaptable, the reasons I started with you very quickly evolved and you’ve worked with that. You remain impartial, allowing me to get to the answer, but providing a little direction when I get stuck"
"Its provided me with space to concentrate on my own personal development in a structured way that has clear goals. Your ability to challenge is a way that is not confrontational and is gentle has been very good"
"Just thought I would email and say that [redacted] have offered me a position on their graduate Management Consultancy programme. I am honestly over the moon about it. Thank you so much for your help over the past few months, it has really helped me to remain on top of myself and keep pressing on towards my goals"
"I just want to say – thank you so much for your help on the journey to here – it’s been so helpful – and so appreciated. You’ve provided a supportive and trusted environment, I have never felt judged. ·You have high awareness of contracting, coaching relationships and endings. ·You demonstrate high levels of empathy"
"It worked really well for me, the space to talk, to reflect and to propose future direction has been surprisingly valuable. By checking in challenges faced at work I have had the space to think/challenge, which in turn has provided me with greater confidence in my approach"
"I always appreciate how well you are listening, evidenced by the questions you formulate. I also enjoy the challenge aspect of your approach, ensuring that all of our sessions end in a call to action in regard to some element"
"Understanding the emotional response – a lot of my areas of development are around how to deal with how I react emotionally to a given situation. I felt really comfortable discussing this, and that it wasn’t viewed as a weakness to react in this way. You've coached me on methods and things to think about when dealing with difficult peers and stakeholders"
"I think one of your greatest strengths is helping me to ‘think outside the box’, allowing me to challenge my thoughts and options. Not only do I appreciate your flexibility in the timing of our sessions but also the topics discovered within our sessions. I’ve thrown some curve balls into our sessions with topics from both in and outside work and it feels that you’ve very well equipped to manage these situations with no notice of the topics for discussion"
"For me personally it was your ability to clear away the fog, help prioritise my thoughts and ‘line up the ducks’. You encouraged me to take time and think about work in a much wider context, to include my home life in this process and the impact that both work and home have upon one another"
"I think you are really good at listening to all the “waffle/words” and pulling the key issues to work through. The “what I’m hearing is..." You have some great tools to work with it, e.g.the roundabout which helps provide clarity in my jumble of thoughts. I wouldn’t have got there myself. I like your questioning"
"Firstly; it ensures that I (at least once a month) take a step back and reflect – look at the bigger picture, what I want to achieve. Having an amazing coach in Anna to support this is vital. The second part for me is really about the development and the constructive challenge. This and the contracts we constantly make always take me forward"
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