You can talk about absolutely anything you like. It could be a work issue you want to discuss, something relating to plans for the future, or something from the past you'd like to work through.
Examples of the topics clients have worked through with me include: career transitions, relationships, family choices, loss, change, self confidence, power, self-worth, overwhelm, health, wellbeing and much more.
Good question, glad you asked! Coaching is charged by the hour and this can be paid as a one-off, up front payment or after each coaching session.
Some of my clients are fortunate enough to have a supportive employer who will pay for their coaching and some wish to self-fund.
Please get in touch for more details on costs.
The first step is to schedule an initial scoping meeting. This is generally 2 hours and I will cover off how I work, confidentiality and we can begin to un-pack what you are bringing.
After that, you have a block of 10 hours to use as you wish.
While my preference is to work face-to-face, I can do coaching meetings using Teams, Zoom etc or over the phone as needed.
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